24 Hour Locksmith

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7 Days A Week: 24 Hours

Including Nights, Weekends,
And Holidays

Hero Locksmith

24 Hour Locksmith

If you find yourself thinking, “Oh no, I lost my car keys!” at any time of the morning, day, or night—have no fear, Hero Locksmith is here! As a your 24-hour locksmith, we offer 24-hour locksmith services every day in the East Bay area. We can help with your key fob replacement, lock replacement, lock repair, and many other locksmith services.

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What Can A 24-Hour Locksmith Do For You?

As a 24-hour locksmith, we specialize in these areas:

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Unlock car and other vehicles. We can help you get back into your car in no time by creating a new key fob replacement, cutting a new key and replacing your locks.

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Hero Locksmith is a 24-hour locksmith, and can help you get back into your car, home, or office at any time.

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Our 24-hour locksmith services can help you get back into the safety of your home.

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Hero Locksmith

How Do I Arrange Service?

Hero Locksmith works around the clock to provide the East Bay area with 24-hour locksmith services. The next time you have a “Oh no, I lost my car keys!” moment, Hero Locksmith is here to provide you with a new key fob replacement.

To arrange service, call now to take advantage of our 24-hour locksmith service or complete the Service form to the right. We will contact you as soon as possible.